First update!

Hey guys,

Let me talk a little about the whole progress of the game. For the past few months, I've been working on the overall mechanics of the game. Of those, here is what is already working:

- Player Movement
- Combat
- Inventory
- Quest System
- Reward System
- Dialogues
- Level Transitions
- Level Progressions
- Objects Interaction
- Spell Crafting System
- Few Skills and Attacks

So, at this point, the bare-bone of the game is already implemented and working as expected. Of course, is very "alpha", so there are some bugs and a lot of animations/graphics are not yet implemented. 

The game is currently composed of almost 50% placeholder for arts on screenshots. So you gonna see soon new posts with character and environment designs here, but first, the priority if finishing the core functions for the Prototype to be playable. 

The game itself has a small level of open world and crafting, but that part is a little bit along the way on the progress of the story, so for a initial playable release, the first part of the story/campaign need to be working properly and all the due characters that participate on it, design at least with the basic movements sprites. 

I will share more screens/gifs/videos soon as well so you guys can give some feedback on the overall feel of the game. 

Thanks for reading,


- Charles H.

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